C.A.S.E. is a Nonprofit Alliance of Air Carriers and Aviation Suppliers dedicated to:
Governed by a Statement of Principles and Bylaws, Our Goal is to Provide Data with which you can make informed supplier approval decisions.
C.A.S.E. is currently organized into two Sections: Air Carriers and Aeronautical Repair Stations.
As a sustaining member of one of these Sections, you have the following participation rights:
Membership in one of these two Sections sets the standards and strategy for the supplier/customer performance and relationships for the C.A.S.E. industry.
Application for C.A.S.E. Air Carrier Section (ACS) Membership: please e-mail as follows:
C.A.S.E. Air Carrier Membership & Promotions Chair: Lacey Bellrose, Endeavor Air, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
C.A.S.E. Air Carrier Membership & Promotions Vice-Chair: Misty Williams, Silver Airways, email:
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Annual Membership Dues for ACS Membership is $1,600.00 - Do NOT send any money now. This fee is billed annually by the C.A.S.E. Treasurer.
Application for C.A.S.E. Repair Station Section (ARSS) Membership:
C.A.S.E. Repair Station Membership Chair: Eric Baez, Air Quality Aviation, Inc.; email:
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C.A.S.E. Repair Station Membership Vice-Chair: Elio Kocijancic, Aviation Instruments Repair Specialists, Inc.; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Annual Membership Dues for ARSS Membership is $1,200.00 - Do NOT send any money now. This fee is billed annually by the C.A.S.E. Treasurer.
An application for membership to the applicable section and information about our organization will be provided as soon as possible.